Upper GI Endoscopy

Upper GI Endoscopy

A procedure to diagnose and treat problems in the upper GI (gastrointestinal) tract is known as upper GI endoscopy. The food pipe (esophagus), stomach and the duodenum (the first part of your small intestine) comprise the upper GI tract. The doctor uses an endoscope, which is a long and flexible tube, in this procedure. There are small light and a video camera attached to the end of the tube. The doctor inserts the tube into your mouth and passes it through your throat, esophagus and stomach into your duodenum. The video images captured by the camera are displayed on a monitor. A gastroenterologist in Kolkata can also insert small tools into the endoscope. These tools are normally used for:

  • Taking tissue samples for a biopsy
  • Stop bleeding
  • Injecting air or fluid
  • Removing food and other things that remain stuck in the upper GI tract
  • Carrying out different procedures such as laser therapy or endoscopic surgery

Reason for an upper GI endoscopy

The doctor can diagnose and treat problems in your upper GI tract with the help of an upper GI endoscopy.

The doctor uses this procedure to find the cause of unexplained symptoms including:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Dysphagia (trouble in swallowing)
  • Chest pain not connected to the heart or upper belly button
  • Vomiting continuously for an unwanted region
  • Bleeding in the upper GI tract


You will get detailed knowledge about the procedure from a gastroenterology doctor in Kolkata, who will also give the answers to any questions you might have. You may need to sign a consent form before the procedure. The doctor should know if you are allergic to any medicines or anaesthesia medicines. The day before the test you should not eat or drink anything after midnight. If you had any bleeding disorder in the past, you must inform your doctor. Before the procedure, you may have to stop taking any blood-thinning medicines. You have to empty your bowels completely before the procedure. Take a sedative that will help you to feel relaxed before the procedure.

The procedure

After you arrive at the hospital, you need to remove your clothing and jewellery. After that, you will have to wear a hospital gown. The sedative will be administered through an intravenous (IV) channel made in your arm or hand. The doctor will check your blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level and respiratory rate during the procedure. You will have to lie on the X-ray table with your left side on the table with your head bent forward. The doctor will spray numbing medicine into the back of your throat. The doctor will insert the tube through your mouth and throat. The tube will pass through your esophagus, stomach and duodenum. After the tube is fully inserted, the doctor will take out the samples of fluid or tissue through the tube. The doctor also removes any blockage if needed with the help of an instrument inserted through the tube. The tube will be taken out of the body after the procedure is complete.
