When the kidney gradually loses its ability to function properly, it is known as chronic kidney disease. The other term of it is chronic kidney failure. In the advanced stage of chronic kidney disease, there is a build-up of dangerous levels of fluid, wastes and electrolytes in your body. This can cause serious damage to the kidneys, ultimately leading to their failure. You should consult the top nephrologist in Kolkata at the right time for treatment.
The following are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease that develop over time:
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Problem in sleeping
- Lack of concentration
- Swelling of ankles and feet
- Continuous itching
- Difficulty in breathing
- High blood pressure
The majority of kidney diseases happen due to diabetes and high blood pressure. The other causes of chronic kidney disease are:
- Glomerulonephritis
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Interstitial nephritis
- Diseases affecting the immune system of the body
- Repeated urinary infections
- Obstruction in the urinary tract
- Vesicoureteral reflux
- Recurrent kidney infection
A lot of complications can arise due to chronic kidney disease. These include:
- Retention of fluid in the body
- Cardiovascular disease
- A sudden rise in the levels of potassium in the blood
- Damage to the central nervous system
- Pericarditis
- Complications during pregnancy
- End-stage kidney disease
A nephrology doctor in Kolkata will ask you questions about your personal and family history. He/she will carry out a physical exam and also suggest some tests to diagnose chronic kidney disease:
- Urine tests: The doctor can detect the abnormalities connected with chronic kidney disease from the analysis of a urine sample.
- Blood tests: These tests help the doctor to check the levels of waste products like urea and creatinine in your blood.
- Imaging tests: To assess the size and structure of your kidneys, the doctor uses different imaging tests.
- Kidney biopsy: The doctor sometimes finds it necessary to remove a sample of your kidney tissue for kidney biopsy. It helps the doctor to know the cause of your kidney problem.
The goal of the treatment is to slow the progression of the disease, control the symptoms and reduce the complications. You may have to undergo treatment for end-stage kidney disease when there is severe damage to your kidneys.
Treating the cause
To control the cause of chronic kidney disease, the doctor will provide treatment according to the cause.
Treatment of complications
The treatment of chronic kidney disease complications include:
High blood pressure medicines: There is extremely high blood pressure in people suffering from chronic kidney disease. For decreasing the blood pressure, the doctor recommends some medicines.
Medicines to lower cholesterol levels: A kidney specialist in Kolkata prescribes medicines like statins to lower the cholesterol level. The levels of bad cholesterol become high in people with chronic kidney disease. The risk of heart disease increases due to this.
The doctor also suggests medicines to reduce swelling, protect your bones and treat anaemia. Dialysis and kidney transplant are the treatment options for end-stage kidney disease.