Gastroenterology is the study of medicine dealing with the human digestive system and disorders. It involves the diagnosis and treatments of diseases and abnormal functions of the stomach, rectum, colon, esophagus, gallbladder, liver, bile ducts, small intestine and pancreas.
Doctors who study Gastroenterology are called Gastroenterologists. They are involved in the complete understanding of the normal functions of gastrointestinal organs from the mouth to the anus, absorption and digestion of nutrients in the body, movement of foods through the stomach and intestine and removal of waste in the form of excreta and urine from the system. The best gastroenterologist in Kolkata is attached with our clinic.
The common diseases related to Gastroenterology are gastroensophageal influx, cancer and colon polyps, colitis, peptic ulcer disease, biliary tract, hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease, biliary tract disease, gallbladder, nutritional problems, pancreatitis and irritable bowel system.
Procedures Involved
There are a variety of advanced non-surgical procedures involved to treat gastroenterological diseases like eliminating tumours from inaccessible areas of the human body, evaluating and treating different types of tumours in the liver and gastrointestinal tract and providing minimally invasive techniques for selected patients.
Capsule endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Colectomy, Cecostomy, Colostomy, Esophageal Stent procedure, Endoscopy Pseudocyst Drainage, UGI endoscopy Gastric banding surgery are some of the common Gastroenterological procedures performed by the top gastroenterologist in Kolkata.
Capsule Endoscopy is an advanced procedure that uses a wireless tiny camera to see your digestive tract for evaluation of diseases. Another procedure, Colonoscopy, allows your doctor to examine the internal tract of the large intestine for ulcers, tumours, colon polyps and inflammation.
Gastroenterologists use an esophageal stent, a kind of flexible mesh tube to allow foods to travel smoothly from your mouth to the stomach. Another most popular procedure, called upper gastrointestinal endoscopy lets your doctor examine the inside lining of the esophagus, the first part of the small intestine and your stomach to track diseases.
The best gastroenterologist in Kolkata provides high quality and comprehensive care for patients suffering from a range of gastrointestinal treatments. The diseases are best treated with a more complete, thorough and accurate care for gastrointestinal conditions in patients.
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